lonely girl painting


My neighbor’s dog died this week. He had her for 18 years.  This is the same man who has seen so many of his friends and family die over the last year. His sister-in-law is terminally ill. His brother-in-law died about 18 months ago. His wife is taking off for a week – they have […]

How Do Oppositions Work?

If a person has an opposition in their chart is is impossible for them to act both sides of it simultaneously.The reason is the energies are opposite each other. This would be akin to being generous and cheap at the same time. It can’t be done!


Dealing With Your Second Saturn Return

Your second Saturn return comes around when you’re about fifty-eight years old. At the time of your first Saturn return, you’re in your 20’s.  You have plenty of time to do just about anything. If you’re “behind”, you can still catch up. By the time the second return rolls around, you’re pretty much facing a time

knocked off your game

Knocked Off Your Game in 2021-2022

Saturn in Aquarius is currently squaring Uranus in Taurus. This clash will be maintained through 2022. Some are being hit in ways that are more personal than others but the affect of this has been universal from what I can observe.  You get going in a certain direction and wham! You’re blindsided by something. It might

Why Stay Attached To Someone Who Rejects You?

XV asked on Do You Ignore Rejection: “What could explain getting attached to someone who keeps rejecting you?” I’m not sure there is one answer. My first thought was that the person my be a glutton for punishment.  “Gluttony” makes me think of Jupiter and inflation in general.  So that’s one explanation. The person my


Planetary Joys – Saturn in the Twelfth House

Saturn – Mr. Malefic, the cosmic taskmaster, king of the hustle and the grind. In modern astrology, we tend to think of Saturn belonging in the tenth house. After all, isn’t that where we reach our zenith, standing atop all our hard-won achievements? But in traditional astrology, Saturn was said to rejoice in the twelfth

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