Mercury Uranus

Why is Uranus the Higher Octave of Mercury?

To finish up the trilogy of higher octave planets, I wanted to discuss why Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. As the higher octave, Uranus takes the principles of Mercury and gives them a broader, more universal expression. On the surface, this connection seems less intuitive. Uranus is associated with Aquarius, while Mercury has […]

Van Gogh setback

Mars Retrograde Square Saturn – Frustrating Setback

I had two spine surgeries in three days, three weeks ago. They were my 5th and 6th surgeries in a five-year period. Hard to believe, I know. The recent surgeries were a phenomenal success.  My spine was lifted off my nerves and my spinal cord is no longer impinged. I had a significant leg length

Apollo chasing Daphne

Why Does the Sun Fall in Libra?

The Sun is the glittering, shining core of who we are. It is the very essence of our being. It is the vehicle of our individuation. It makes sense that it can shine more in certain signs than others, but how can the Sun ever really fall? Let the tale of Apollo and Daphne be

mars Pluto

Why is Pluto the Higher Octave of Mars?

Following up on my post about Neptune being the higher octave of Venus, I thought I would also go into how Pluto relates to Mars. As I mentioned, when the outer planet is considered the higher octave of the inner planet, it means that it takes the principles of the inner planet and creates a

Pluto caligula

PTSD: Triggers & Flashbacks

I used to suffer PTSD / flashbacks. I became aware of this in my mid 20’s. It’s what sent me to therapy for three years.  I got a handle on this at the time of my Saturn return. I used the tools I picked up in therapy to resolve my triggers into my early 30’s.

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