prom beauties

Weekly Forecast: June 10-14, 2024 – Beyond the Violence

Yes, Mars square Pluto can be violence, but violence takes many forms. The Mars-Pluto square ratcheted up its tension all weekend, and some have seen it snap already. The aspect is exact Tuesday morning, but its impact is varied and personal. Mars in Taurus is ruled by Venus in airy and mutable Gemini – part […]


Neptune: Does Guilt Have A Purpose?

Hi, Elsa What do you think about guilt? Does it have a real purpose or is it just something we should get rid of as soon as possible to go on with life? How does astrology relate to guilt? Gemini by the Sea, Colombia Hi, Gemini.  Thanks for the question. Guilt definitely has a purpose. 

Uranus Watercolor

Natal Moon Opposite Uranus Characteristics

If your natal moon opposes Uranus, you’re bound to be significantly eccentric, for good or ill. You’re likely to detach emotionally, from family and your roots in general. This is a not really possible so straight away, there’s tension in the person’s life. Before anyone explains to me, how they left their family on the

gemini twins scarf

I Hate Gemini Season

Hi, Elsa I’m an Air sign (Libra) who dreads the onset of Gemini season. Why is this, since air signs are technically compatible? Every year, like clockwork, the end of May / beginning of June finds me physically exhausted, racing to stay afloat, and hating the heat. I feel shorter on time, money, energy, and

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