forest and trees

Life Taking You In An Abnormal Direction

I first encountered astrology when I was eight years old. It seemed to hold a lot of keys. It’s also seemed inexhaustible.  Both ideas have been proven true. I write about how a person’s skills degrade, when they’re not utilized. The reverse is true as well. To use your skills is to hone them. I’ve […]

aquarius magnet pink

New Moon In Aquarius Square Uranus: Expect A Twist

The new moon in Aquarius will take place in the early evening on February 9th at 20 degrees.  Uranus clashes with the sun and moon. See the chart here. Something is going to change with this one. If you have planets in Fixed Signs near this degree, something is going to change with you. Uranus is

scorpio black tattoo

Scorpio Moon Men

Hi Elsa, can you share your knowledge about men with Scorpio moons??? Thank you a lot, Sofia Hi, Sofia. I can try.  I’ll answer this from a personal perspective, rather than write something clinical or professional. The textbook stuff is all over the place. I think this will provide deeper insight. First, I have never set

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