Fear! Capricorn Rising With Saturn, Moon, Mars T-Square Suffers Saturn Return

Hi Elsa, I’m going through some rough and tense time. In April I got out of a very difficult relationship where I was emotionally unfulfilled. We didn’t quite relate in matters of planning the future, values, money etc. He seemed very self-sufficient, detached and unwilling (or fearful) of commitment to any plan or vision – […]

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Astrology and the Proliferation of Porn: Pluto in Sagittarius

The wide variety and copious amount of pornography available these days I would also chock up to Pluto in Sadge. When Pluto moves through a sign, we see the shadow side if the things it rules. It’s the publishing (Sagittarius) of that which is private (Pluto), on a wide scale (Sagittarius). Taboo sex (Pluto) is

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