Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: Believing Things Into Reality

So about these older African men, after all these years of this happening, I got to thinking about it. Because it never fails. I have had an older black man supporting me, and I mean absolutely accepting me and everything about me without equivocation all my life. And when I move or they move, another […]

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Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: Parenting

I use Saturn Neptune techniques with my children all the time. I would! And themes run in families so it’s no surprise my daughter has Neptune in Capricorn (Saturn ruled) in mutual reception with her Saturn in Pisces (Neptune ruled). My son has a Saturn square Neptune, so basically we are a family of suggestible

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She Fears Commitment-Phobic Boyfriend’s Parents Will Drive a Wedge Between Them: Saturn Transit Through the 7th House

Dear Elsa, My boyfriend and I have been together for three years, and love each other very much. However, Saturn just entered his 7th house and I am worried about our relationship. His family doesn’t know we are still together. They think we broke up a year ago. His mother is not the nicest person,

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Mercury in Aries vs Mercury in Libra: Love of Taboo and My Criminal Mind

These are excerpts from the other night’s conversation with my ex from almost 3 decades ago, the career Special Forces guy. He has Mercury in Aries opposite my Mercury Mars in Libra. He’s a Scorpio Moon conjunct Neptune. I’m a packed 8th house. “Well it was just like lighting a match. And we’d both just

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