Search Results for: pluto transit mine

Pluto god dog

Pluto Transiting First House: How It Begins

A lot of people have been reading commenting on my Pluto Transiting the 12th House series which I wrote over the course of fourteen years. I covered Pluto transiting my ascendant as well. Pluto is now a few degrees into my first house. While the effects on my body (given to the ascendant) are still

my cervical spine

Pluto Transit Conjunct My Capricorn Ascendant

Daniel asked on Pluto Transit 12th: Spine, Healing Culmination “Please do fill us in on your Pluto/ascendant journey when you get the chance.” Okay, Daniel! If you’re new here, I have chronicled Pluto’s transit through my 12th house since 2007.  Pluto is now conjunct my ascendant and while Jupiter and Saturn will move on, I

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don Quixote

Pluto In Capricorn In Human Form

I’ve had a lot of emails about my back, it’s crazy healing and such. People want the astrology so here is is. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are currently crossing my ascendant (my physical body).  Mars in Aries is squaring the stellium, this is textbook astrology.  But there’s more to it. The 12th house

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