December 2010

Pining For The Love You Never Got vs Real Life Love And Relationship

I have a client struggling with Saturn aspecting her natal Venus. She would like to partner. I explained, she’s got to overcome impediments that keep her from her goal. “Your interest in him is an impediment until and unless he comes to you which he actually may. He MAY but only if he experiences life […]

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Losing Confidence (The 11th House)

Last night my husband and I were talking about losing confidence. What a sick feeling it is when you have doubts you can do something you’ve done many times. He specifically mentioned burning on on a jump once. Something when wrong with his parachute and he fell to the ground, breaking bones.  The next time

Astrology And Antipathy

“GO, and never darken my towels again!” –Groucho Marx Antipathy is a nice word for hate. I’m all kinds of sneaky like that. Enlightened beings, such as we are, are not supposed to feel things like hate. We’re above that. Well, I’m going to admit to you, I have a shadow. Instead of pretending it

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