June 2023

ElsaElsa ask the collective

When Should I Get Married?

I was momentarily struck dumb when a client asked my opinion on how to know when to marry. The question jarred me as it hit me from several angles all at once. I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to determine the timing from the charts or if it if was more of a philosophical

pig wallowing in mud

When Bots Are More Interesting Than People

I’m surprised to be writing this!  I’m aware that some people I read are “bots” or some type stream of AI produced content. There’s a formula to it and there is something for everyone. Whatever personas or attitudes attract you; the content is available. Once your tastes have been locked on, it proliferates. I go


The Astrological Weeble

If you don’t know what you’re looking at, it’s a weeble.  “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.” Some people are Weebles.  They enjoy tremendous support in life, shown plainly in their chart. It’s not that nothing bad can happen to them. It’s more like bad things rarely happen and when they do, the problems

Gemini stellium

Trekking Through Life – The Astrology

Catch up here – Trekking Through Life It was my husband who asks this man about his chart. I was pretty sure he would be receptive to astrology due to the metaphysical bend of some of my husband’s family, but I was still not going to bring it up. The reason was because this trip


Trekking Through Life – I’m A Beginner

Catch up here – Trekking Through Life Our guest likes to walk.  Apparently he really likes to walk and he’s done so all over the world. I am talking about walking from London to Rome. His longest walk was about 2600 miles. It’s hard to fathom that, but it he brought it down to earth.

hot water

Trekking Through Life With Brazil Nuts

Catch up here – Trekking Through Life We got home late. We showed our guest where he would be staying; told him to make himself at home and we all turned in.  If there was a core reason he’d come all this way, it had not been revealed. At this point I surmised there was

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