June 2023

Libra shirt

Trekking Through Life: Fixed, Mutable Quirk

Catch up here – Trekking Through Life We were the second stop to meet family on this man’s long, short trip. My husband could have called the other family chunk to find out what was up but he didn’t bother. All we’d heard was that he did not speak Spanish which told us nothing. Dinner plans […]

bona fides

Trekking Through Life: Bona Fides

Catch up here – Trekking Through Life My husband was receiving calls and relaying information.  He called to tell me this man had offered his “bona fides”. The word choice struck me. “Did he say that?” I asked. “No, I said that.” It still mattered. My husband’s use of Latin phrases is never random.  If


Trekking Through Life

I had a phenomenal experience last weekend. I want to share it but how to approach it has eluded me.  It’s that, but also Neptune is stationing right now; the energy is very strong. I’ve been trying to mull everything and also absorb it before it dissipates.  I’ll get started on this now. Two weeks

Pisces divinci green

Reality & Imagination

Saturn in Pisces mashes reality with imagination. I came across a highly interesting opinion. The idea is that you don’t get what your imagination creates. Rather, you get what was created by forces outside of your imagination. Does this seem correct to you? If this is is in fact true, understanding it should open doors.

inconjunct or quincunx symbol

List Of Inconjuncts Between Signs

The inconjunct, also called a “quincunx”, exists when planets are 150 degrees apart. Signs can also be seen in this way. I’m prompted to write this because Pluto in Aquarius brought sudden change to many people, especially those with planets near zero degrees. Aquarians, sure. Fixed signs too. But I also worked with a lot

Mars Transiting 7th House Effects

When Mars transits your seventh house you can expect an uptick in social engagement. Typically, most of the encounters will be one on one but there are scenarios where other people can become involved. Your interactions are likely to be stimulating, challenging or both. Mars is currently transiting my 7th house. While the majority of

christmas tree embroidered

Finding Talent In A Natal Chart

“In one of your posts regarding your friend Ben you say he has utilized all of his talents. Where would you look for your talents in a natal chart?” What a great question!  Everything in a natal chart is a “talent”, potentially.  Everything in a chart may also be a detriment. This is because energy is

magnet and steel

The Difficulty Of Finding A Serious Partner

Finding a partner at any age has become inordinately difficult. This trouble is inorganic, from my perspective, just based on experience. Without interference, people find each other.  They are designed to find each other. Astrology is just one of the ways this is made clear. Do we not resonate with some people more than others?

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