March 2024

two people meeting

How Or What Do You Present Yourself When You Meet Someone New?

In astrology, it’s common to refer to the ascendant as a person’s “first handshake”.  This is true outside of the fact it’s not nearly that simple. I’m writing this to pair with an earlier post. If you care about relationships and if what I assert in that post is true, it makes sense to consider

Weekly Forecast: March 25-29, 2024 – Post-Eclipse Upgrades

Wee early Monday, the Libra Moon opposes the Aries Sun across the Moon’s nodes: the eclipse. The Moon goes on to conjoin the south node, the point of a yod with the past-exact Venus-Jupiter sextile. We have to detach from what’s holding us back if we want to make a grab for something more. It


Mercury Retrograde: April 1, 2024 – I’m Liking It!

Mercury will turn retrograde in Aries in the evening on April Fool’s Day. There is a lot of vague fear out there.  Don’t use this event to gaslight yourself. It’s normal to reflect. Mercury in Aries love a mental challenge and while you may not like moving in reverse, “retreating” is often a tactical move. 

Saturn book plate

Natural Authority

Some people have a natural authority about them.   Capricorn, yes. I have it to a (very) limited extent, but there are people out there, if they say it, it goes! It doesn’t matter if a person like this is lying or completely out of their skull, crazy, they will be taken seriously by almost everyone,

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