
Let’s talk!


Equal Houses In Real Life

The best way to learn astrology is by paying attention.  House systems came up on the podcast with Shonagh. I ran down my ideas on this. Basically, I use Equal houses, because I worked with, Koch, Placidus and Equal – all three, simultaneously, for about four years until the clear winner emerged.  I am not […]

mars uranus

The Upside Of Mars Conjunct Uranus

Mars will conjoin Uranus this month.  While this combination is potentially, dangerous, it’s like any other energy.  It’s neutral until directed. If you’ve not heard me state this before. Electricity (energy) is neutral. You can light up a Christmas tree, or electrocute a man, depending on how you apply it.  This is no different, with


Saturn Neptune & Loss Of Confidence

My husband and I have been watching The Great British Bake-Off, don’t ask me why.  Each season begins with thirteen bakers, competing. Invariably there’s a baker who starts out strong, if not completely dominating. The person seems a shoo-in to win. But then something happens… The baker has some kind of failure or receives feedback

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Sensory Isolation Chamber

“The smartphone is a handheld version of a sensory isolation chamber.” @UndergroundAeon This seems utterly accurate to me. It explains the widespread social anxiety, people live with today. I feel we’ve lost a good deal of our humanity to this. How can you not? Primary relationship is with a device. What kills me, is that


Feeling Uncomfortable With Nowhere To Turn

I was debating writing a newsletter for tomorrow.  I threw up the chart and it looks uncomfortable. I couldn’t see the use in emailing this non-news to readers. I looked at the next day and the next. I looked at some other days and I realized, “comfort” is really hard to come by right now. 

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