
car accident

Mars Opposite Uranus – How Will You Play This?

Mars in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus with the new moon in Scorpio, looming.  Mars Uranus is tied to accidents; not soft tissue things like sprains, but accidents that involve metal and cuts. We’re talking car accidents and knives and fights that draw blood. It’s also about surprise attacks so when you read about […]


Mars In Scorpio Opposite Uranus In Taurus – Effects

Mars in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus. Among other things, this describe fights on the internet. Personally, I’ve been battling technology. I want this site to be fast and I’ve been pushing for that. It’s been pretty mild for me, but I don’t have planets in the early degrees of the Fixed signs.

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rhino charge

Venus, Mars, Uranus T-Square: September, 2018 – Violent Upheaval

We’re all thinking about Saturn turning direct in Capricorn. Meantime there’s a T-square forming. We’re bound to see vicious attacks with this, along with a lot of surprising turns in relationships, both personal and professional.  Money stuff will be impacted as well. The T-square involves Venus, Mars and Uranus.  It’s a complex mess and it

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pluto pendant

What To Expect From Pluto Opposite Mars, Mars Square Uranus Transit

Elsa, What would you make of a transit of Pluto opposing Mars plus Uranus squaring Mars? Blasting away of old structures? Wants Second Opinion Hi, Wants, That’s possible, but it would not be how I would read the situation. But I may be parsing your sentence incorrectly. If structures in your life were going to

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