
Cutting Your Losses Is A Learned Skill

Mars is the planet the rules all cutting. The concept of cutting your losses is a learned skill rather than something you can reliably leave to human nature. I learned to cut my losses by playing cards as a kid. There are times you’ve got to fold your hand and absorb whatever losses result. You have […]


How Does The Square Aspect Manifest?

The first step to faring well with Saturn squaring Uranus is to understand how the aspect works.  Two minutes to simplify this! Do you have a square in your chart? Can you see how the clashing energy encourages people to try to push things onto others?

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What Do You Do When You’re Deeply Hurt?

How do you respond when you’re very deeply hurt? Do you attack or retaliate or extract revenge? If yes, are you quick about it or do you lie in wait? Or do you retreat and lick your wounds? Do you turn around and hurt someone else?  Take it out on an innocent? Do you amputate? Or


Jupiter In Gemini Positives

I had an client ask me if she sounded crazy.  I was surprised because I’ve worked with her awhile and she’s never sounded even remotely crazy. Rather than just say, “no”, I thought I should elaborate. If I can answer a question like this well enough, a person might be freed from their concern.  Why

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Venus Conjunct Uranus In Taurus Opposite Moon In Scorpio

There’s been a huge upswing in interest in digital currencies and the stock market since Uranus hit Taurus. Legions of people watch these markets on a daily basis. Your attention is currency. It’s shocking how much currency aka energy flows into these things at this time.  I remind myself, it’s transitory! Venus will conjunct Uranus

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Handling The Double Agents in Your Life

I’m just off the phone with an Aquarian client who I’ve worked with for many years. He made an offhand remark about the “double agents” in his life, as far as how he handles them. He’s got a rule in this regard. This was interesting to me on a number of levels.  First, I don’t


Life Slowing Down? Or Grinding To A Halt?

Just based on supply chain problems alone, I think most feel things are slowing down now, to a point where it cannot be denied. In fact, I can’t think of anyone who has not been impacted at this point, to varying degrees. Some are extremely pessimistic. Others have been hopeful but are now slipping into

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