aquarius yellow man

Women’s Energy: Yin/Yang – The Convention(s)

Catch up here: The Set Up. The convention would run through the weekend. It kicked off with dinner on Friday night for those who could get there by then. I drove up after work with the two men I worked, both of them chattering all the way. I was new but they’d worked for Frito […]


Women & Their Various Yin/Yang Energy – The Set Up

Astrology does a great job of describing a person’s energy, which can be wildly skewed if you’re evaluating a person from their writing, online. I’ve explained this before, a few times.  My writing is an expression of the Mercury Mars conjunction in my chart.  It’s masculine, but I am not. I came across this old


Weekly Forecast: June 3-7, 2024 – Gemini Mercury, Gemini New Moon

Super early, pre-dawn Monday, Mercury makes its move out of Taurus and into its own rule in Gemini. It joins Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun in the sign. Mercury heads into conjunction with Jupiter and actively trines Pluto in airy Aquarius (both exact overnight). There is much to be made of Monday’s mental gymnastics as

parting shot

The Psychopath’s Parting Shot

Continuing to mull what I know about psychopathy, first I want to mention, I know or have known a number of them. I’m not necessarily talking about my father when I write this stuff. Psychopaths love to mess with people. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you know it’s happening in the moment.  The example offered

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