Search Results for: pluto in capricorn

What To Expect From Jupiter in Scorpio: 2017- 2018

Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10, 2017. Earth and water signs, rejoice! On that same day, Venus and Mars are conjoined in Virgo, so there’s a lot of decisions being analyzed. What was forged during Jupiter’s tenancy in Libra is either solidified and locked-down in Scorpio, or bites the dust, HARD, not to be resurrected.

The Commercialization Of The Internet

blue_rose wrote in the forum, “The internet has….”gone commercial”, for lack of a better term.” She’s right.  You can pay to have your product “trending”, for example. This gives the impression your widget or your website or your opinion, for that matter, is popular. But today, I want to talk about “search”. It’s getting harder and

Wedding Day Stellium

Our wedding anniversary is Friday.  We got married with a stellium in Libra in the 7th house. Venus and the Moon square Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus is conjunct the ascendant of the event chart, opposing Venus (and Saturn in Virgo). We have a great marriage. It just goes to show you, not to be afraid of

Lupus Update

A few days ago, my elbow blew up. It swelled like a balloon for no particular reason. I then took something from the freezer and my fingertips turned bright red. I didn’t hold the thing for long. I was surprised. Where does this come from?  Change of seasons?  I’ve not been particularly stressed. Various symptoms

love heart

Rekindling Relationships With Venus Retrograde

Elsa, Is the return of an old lover during a Venus in retrograde period something to be apprehensive about or a chance to forge a deeper and more meaningful connection? From all the information online, I am left with the impression that such periods should be approached cautiously and with not much optimism about a


Jupiter Trine Uranus – Lucky Break This Week

There may be a lot of angst out there, but there is a bright, exciting spot.  Jupiter in Leo is trining Uranus in Aries at this time. Both planets are supported by the Moon and Mercury in Gemini. Some are going to catch some kind of break with this. They’ll be an opportunity open up. What


Trends In Stalking & Domestic Abuse

Hi, Elsa. For the past few years I’ve had coworkers (Saturn) become “stalkers” (Pluto). Recently there was a tv show called “Stalkers” and because of recent media applications such as “Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, stalking has increased exponentially. So clearly this is coming more into the forefront of people’s attention alongside with Domestic abuse and other

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