full moon

Born Under A Full Moon

Hi Elsa, I was born under a full moon, is there significance to that? Or more significance, I should say. I know each moon phase holds different meaning. Do eclipses or full moons impact me differently? Gal in Vancouver, Canada Yes, being born under a full moon is significant. It means you have a sun […]

what me worry

“Liquidity” – The Word On Everyone’s Lips

We’re done with the picky stuff now. The moon is at home in Cancer. If you experience stress today, it will most likely be tied to Mercury square Neptune or Saturn in Pisces. It’s interesting because Saturn in Pisces is beating many to a pulp, but they miss and blame something else. Misdiagnosis, which is

mother and sons

Mothers Estranged From Their Adult Children

Holding a grudge has become a way of life for many. I don’t know that my perspective is trustworthy on this as my family is given to blood feuds!  Also, my parents were both hard-core Aquarians and not prone to clinging. I’m going to offer it anyway, just start this conversation. I just mentioned, Longstanding


Consequences Of Collective Delusion

Do you remember Jupiter conjoining Neptune in Aquarius? This was around 2009. I wrote a bunch of posts about worldwide delusion. Legions of people began living in this huge idealistic, imagined utopia. The truth all but disappeared. Addiction expanded as well. This was probably the beginning of true “Internet addiction”.  People were addicted to the

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fog machine

Mercury Square Neptune – Unaware Of Lying

Mercury is currently squaring Neptune. This post is from 2012. There is no doubt that people knowingly lie and deceive others. But sometimes it’s not that clear cut. For example, an alcoholic with tell you something they may very well believe, because reality occurred while they were in a blackout.  Another person may have lied

A pang of jealousy

Envied By The Rich

Hi, Elsa I don’t have much material wise in life, but I have many talents. I use them to live an interesting productive life. I never boast about them. Quiet soul. No matter what- everywhere I go I meet envy…someone Always wants what I have- even the small possessions that have only sentimental value. Even


How To Settle Longstanding Disagreements

A significant number of couples have longstanding disagreements which degrade their marriages and their lives in general,  over time. The same can be said for family and other personal relationships. It seems in the best interest of both parties to hash it out. It also seems it would not be all the daunting, if both

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