Search Results for: pluto in capricorn

How Will Capricorn Fare With Pluto In Capricorn?

I had another gal write, a Capricorn. She wanted to know what Capricorns can expect from Pluto’s transit through their sign and I think Capricorn can expect excellent results provided… Provided they are a half-way decent Capricorns! By that I mean that you act with some degree of integrity. You should have some humility about

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How To Handle The Full Moon in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto

The full moon in Capricorn will take place in the early morning on July 21st at 29 degrees.  The moon will conjoin Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius. Pluto is retrograde; the moon is moving forward. These two are waiting to connect. The exact conjunction will take place less than three hours later, so let’s think

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