Search Results for: pluto in capricorn


Evolving As Your Life Story Unfolds

There’s a lot of negative emotion out there right now. Dread and fear and rage.  In spite of this, we’re all evolving  as our lives are unfolds. We learn more every day.  Astrology allows us to see the path, often with startling clarity. I’m prompted to write this after a session with a young woman.  […]

Lara Harris for

Weekly Forecast: May 27-31, 2024 – Simplify and Learn

All Monday, Taurus Mercury moves in sextile to Pisces Saturn, exact by night. Are you thinking straight, tuning in to reality? Don’t try so hard; let your mind and senses find a natural frequency on their own. Where your first thought is to control, relax and go with your trained-up instinct.

still life

Weekend Love Forecast – Lemon Zombies: Eat Them Up!

Friday night, the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius Moon trines Chiron in Aries then heads into square with Neptune, exact by morning. The mood is fizzy, not fuzzy. It tickles with intoxicating trouble, but ultimately it’s more fodder for excitement and fortification than pain and sadness… as long as you don’t lean into any tendency to feel sorry


June 2024 Astro: Very Few Points Of Concern

May has flowed along, calmly, as expected.  June looks very good as well. It’s primarily GEMINI month. If you can deal with that, you’re essentially home free. Towards the end of the month,  the sun, Venus and Mercury will ingress into Cancer. This is all innocuous. Will doom-people spin it into a terrifying situation? Probably,


Making Moves As We Head Into An Important Period (April 19th-26th, 2024)

This has been a productive Mercury retrograde period. I credit the tight Mars Saturn conjunction supported by the tight Jupiter and Uranus conjunction.  It’s possible to happily detach and “get it done”. So far, so good. The sun will ingress into Taurus on Friday the 19th, while squaring Pluto. At that point we’ll be locked

Jane trees

Weekly Forecast: March 4-8, 2024 – Appetite For Change

This week, the Moon moves from the end of Sadge through the beginning of Pisces in the last quarter before the new moon in Pisces (early Sunday). The mood is flavored by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, then Neptune. The mood expands, contracts, electrifies, then diffuses. It benefits us to dream up our appetite for ultimate satisfaction.

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