October 2007

Who Carries The Shadow For The Collective? Scorpio? Pluto? 8th House?

Busted writes on Suffering In The Collective: Cool post Elsa. Really smart perceptive idea. Your sister and Elizabeth Smart – how do you think Scorpio or Pluto might be different in performing this suffering or containing negativity function for others? Big questions for me, as Pisces Sun opposite Pluto. Busted – there is no difference […]

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Taurus And Their Food

My husband on the phone: “I’m done with my dinner,” he said. “What did you have?” He rattled off the menu. “How do you feel?” “Oh, I’m semi-full, I guess.” I laughed. “Didn’t get quite enough, huh?” “Well, no. You know how I like to eat, P. Dang. They gave me a full dinner so

The Sex Is Primal, The Emotional Connection Erratic

Dear Elsa, I’m seeing this guy. We have a sort of gut-wrenching, primal sexual effect on each other. While the sex is everything I could want, there seems to be an erratic quality to our emotional connection. He seems to crave me most when I’m being remote and mysterious, and while I certainly can play

Teenager, Elizabeth Smart Owns Jerk, Nancy Grace: Sun Conjunct Pluto in Scorpio in the 10th House Smackdown

Now this is what I am talkin’ about. Some people are equipped to handle themselves and Elizabeth Smart is one of them. I’m sorry but mess with this girl at your own risk because it’s clear she knows a twit when she sees one. Watch the teenager, handle condescending, feigning emotion, wishing-she she-could-better-manipulate-and exploit-the-girl, Nancy

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