October 2013

Venus Saturn elsaelsa

Finding Love with Venus-Saturn in the Chart

Elsa has been writing a lot about Venus-Saturn energy lately, so I don’t need to reinvent the wheel here. When you have Venus-Saturn energy in the chart, you get a mixture of those two qualities manifesting in your life. This is true in all areas, but I find it most troublesome in the love life […]

Uranus symbol mod

Progressed Outer Planets

It’s been three days since my sister came home to find her much beloved husband, dead in their bed. The next day, we decided she would move in with my family. This was a spontaneous decision. It feels very right, but it’s also so odd.  My sister left home when she was 17. She is

Bridging The Communication Gap

My son and I are both having Uranus and Pluto transit our natal Mercury.  We’re talking a lot. He’s 14, so I was a little surprised when he defined himself and his intelligence. He said a number of things. I want to focus on one of them. My son feels he has a good sense

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transit watch

Mars In Virgo Does Not Suffer Fools

Mars enters Virgo on October 14th. To fare well, put your effort towards fixing and organizing things. It’s a good time to clean things up, to assert yourself at work or to offer assistance. This combination describes a hero in the office. A brave servant. An energetic helper. A mental challenge. Virgo is Mercury-ruled, so


Horrid Death

My husband was telling that if anyone hurt his dog, they could expect to die a horrid death. I was pretty sure he meant this and it got me thinking.  What kind of person can inflict a “horrid death” on another person? My husband has this capacity. I do not. While I’m sure that I

Astrology Workshop: How To Find Your True Love & Soulmate With Venus Saturn

UPDATE – This class has ended. A transcript is available here.  Do you have Venus in Capricorn? Venus square, opposite or conjunct Saturn? Do you have Saturn in the 7th house or Venus in the 10th? Are you a Cancer or Capricorn rising? Do you have Saturn conjunct your ascendant or your descendant? Saturn in Libra?

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