July 2022

Sin Eaters

Sin eating is a custom that dates to the Middle Ages. It was practiced parts of England and Scotland and survived into the late 1800’s or early 1900’s in Wales…and also in Appalachia, USA. Sin eaters were poor people who were paid to take on the sins of the of the dead. It was believed […]

no see evil

Can You Develop Psychopathy

Most agree that most psychopaths are born that way.  Some feel nurturing or lack of nurturing can affect a person in this regard.  In other case, developing psychopathy in a child may be the goal.  See, Are Psychopaths Born Or Bred?  Also, the Evil, Diabolical Brainwashing post, further down. I’ve come across another theory which

US map

What I Really Think About The US Pluto Return 2022

I wrote this in February, 2022. Today is one of the exact aspects… A lot of people have asked me about the US Pluto return. I’m not that interested in mundane charts. It’s not my area of expertise but I am interested in sociology, psychology and astrology so I’ll write about what I do know


Hard Times Lead Us To Think Deeply

When times are good, it’s easy to live on the surface.  There are lots of fun distractions. Anyone who cares to look beneath the surface to see what’s lurking there is considered a wet blanket.  I can’t count how many times I have been tagged as “morose”. The longer the good times roll the more

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