July 2023


Chiron In Pisces: The Endlessly Seeping Wound

Having Chiron in Pisces, I’m well acquainted with the “endlessly seeping wound”. This came up in a consultation yesterday. It’s quite a phenomena; someone can strike you at some point in your life, including verbal abuse, criticism, cruelty or whatever.  You’re left with a sensitive spot, susceptible to being triggered.  Someone pokes you there and […]


The 7th House And Projection In Relationships

The 7th house rules “the other”. Consequently, whatever is in your 7th house gets projected. Hearing this, you might say, “not me”, but the fact is, this is phenomenon and no one is excluded. If you can catch on, the understanding will help you for through out your life, because the tendency will never leave

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Mars god clouds

Aries vs Libra: Fighting Effectively

Libra has a lot to learn from Aries. My husband is a retired Green Beret so he definitely knows about fighting. His Aries opposes my Libra. He’s instructed me over the years. It’s been a big help. Starcrest writes on Mars & Self Censoring: “…I had a conversation with a psychologist/therapist friend the other day.


Astro Chart Of An Anomaly

An anomaly is a deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule. It can be a statistical outlier, a rare event, or something that is simply unexpected. A gal read my Dark Heart post and sent me the chart of a person who she says fits this profile.  She provided some details

2024 lockdown

2024 Lockdown Possibility

Will there be a lockdown in 2024? I wouldn’t rule it out! At the beginning of the pandemic, I noticed the extremes in people’s lives. Some were at home, 24/7.  Others were working overtime and this correlated with the sky. I noticed the planets were clustered up, similar to what you see in the picture,

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