October 2023

mind prison

Saturn in Pisces: Mind Prison – Easily Persuaded Or Controlled

I’ve been observing my own mental resistance over this last week or so. I am trying to think outside the proverbial box. It’s remarkably difficult. I don’t think it should be, for someone like me. Specifically, I’m talking about having Mercury conjunct Mars in my 9th house. I’m designed to think out of bounds. Bumping into

steinway grand piano

Art In Real Life

This is an old story. Actually, it’s an old blog post from 2003 but this happened in the 90’s. It came up in the forum; I said I would try to find it and here it is. The story is true, of course. I am leaving it as is. No edit. This includes the rude

Libra scales vintage

Libra & Modern Decorum

Libra is associated with good manners.  The other day, I randomly recalled being taught to never write a letter when I was in a bad mood.  My grandfather, who was an English professor and an all around good dude, taught me this.  The idea was, you’d say something you would regret. Henry was born in

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