December 2023

sleeping beauty

Where Are All The Men?

JR left a comment on Top Cheat Code For 2024 & Beyond.  She sounds like a stable, competent, responsible young woman, who’s at a standstill when it comes to partnering. I asked permission to address some of her concerns, because I feel they’re common to her generation and good advice is hard to come by.  This

Aquarius water bearer painting

Top Cheat Code For 2024 & Beyond

Most of my consultations this week have been about improving or restoring or strengthening relationships. I guess this is due to my writing on these topics lately.  It’s very important right now. I figured I say some more. I don’t see life getting easier in the foreseeable future. Even if costs go down (deflation), it


I’m Becoming Psychic Or Something

I’ve never been psychic. I’ve considered it, because my sister has this ability.  I can’t do what she can do – period. This is not to say I don’t have a lot insight and I can certainly read a chart to such a degree, most questions can be answered. But I’ve been having new experience

April 2024 cluster

Lockdown 2024 – Bunched Up Planets

During the pandemic, the world went into lockdown. I noted the planets were clustered on one side of the zodiac.  I also noted that people were either shut up at home or out there working. You can look back here – Planets Clustered – Outcast. This is phenomena is happened, seasonally, for five years or

single parent 2

Neptune Sensitivity To Photographs

The sun is squaring Neptune today, I’ve certainly been feeling this over this last week or so. The music, and before that, the movies.  Today, it’s pictures and specifically, pictures that I am erasing. I have a well known sensitivity to all of these things.  For example, the last time I was inconsolably sad, I

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