Author name: Elsa

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Will The Real Pervert Please Stand Up?

I was scanning last years blogs and came up with a very popular one about how people see you in the world. It’s not always accurate. If you have Neptune on the angles (obscures) or have Pisces rising like the soldier, it can go like this: “Well I look like I’m a pussy,” my husband


Why Do We Attract The Same Thing Over & Over?

Dear Elsa, I think we tend to attract similar types of people or situations into our lives. Do you notice common themes in the people around you? Does it show in their charts? Why do you think this is? Curious I definitely think we attract the same thing over and over sometimes because we like

brown scorpian

What To Do About Bad Astrology?

Shell writes: “Now, about telling somebody the truth about their chart so things are not sugar coated….. I have Scorpio ASC and I’ve read on 3 separate occasions from three separate sources that Scorpio ASC usually marry twice because they are widowed with their first spouse. This has bothered me to no end! I’ve even

question mark

Do Men Snoop As Much As Women?

hitchhiker72 writes: “I’ve asked this before, and I’m still wondering – anyone know men who snoop? Why do women need to do this?” Good question! Add the astrology if you have some. Submit a question to “Ask the collective”

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