Author name: Midara

Midara has been a consulting astrologer for over a decade. Whether you’re struggling with relationships, personal growth, tough transits, or whatever else, she’s here to help.

dark fruit

Pluto Direct – Dark Harvest

Pluto’s shift to direct motion this week has been something else. Generally, when Pluto changes direction, it happens slowly enough that it largely escapes notice. This time, though, nearly everyone I’ve come in contact with has had some kind of very Plutonian experience in the last few days.

Ladies Man

Aries – Burning Love!

Aries. The warriors of the zodiac. These heroic Rams are leaders and pioneers who will fight to the death for the ones they love. But partnering with one? You’ve got to be kidding, right?

smiling soldier

Why Do Aries Like to Argue?

Aries are well known hotheads. They generally have a hair-trigger temper and rarely back down from a fight. But why are they like this? Surely this can’t be fun for them? No one can actually be happy this way, right? Well, actually, they can. Aries is ruled by Mars, which is the warrior of the

Dog fridge

Pisces – Spirit Love!

Oh Pisces. Sweet, loving, ethereal Pisces. They are the dreamers of the zodiac, transcending the mundane and finding the beauty in all they behold. They remind us that we are more than just a body. We are spirits, shining souls temporarily in earthly vessels. They are breathtaking.


How Can I Please A Man With His Moon in Aries?

You walk swiftly up the slopes of the volcano you call home. Your feet, strong and practiced, easily navigate the rough pumice on your path. A hot, wild wind howls across the crater, whipping your flaming locks across your face. Movement in a nearby crevasse catches your eye. You look and see a timid young


What Does a Taurus Moon Need in Relationships?

A Taurus Moon is a beautiful thing. The fixed earth of Taurus creates a sense of stability in the otherwise erratic Moon, and the influence of Venus, Taurus’ ruler, lends itself to a profound appreciation of the sweetness of life. No wonder the Moon is exalted in Taurus. Jealous yet? Me too. But the Moon


Chiron is a Command

When we talk about Chiron, we often focus on the wound. Here is the perpetual pain, the permanent vulnerability individual to each of us. We peer into our own souls and sometimes even wallow in our own sorrow, comparing our battle scars. What we focus less on is the aspect of the healer.

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