
Let’s talk!

I Feel Paralyzed, 100 Years Old – Saturn Transit Conjunct Natal Pluto

Elsa, Transiting Saturn is sitting right on my Pluto in Virgo and I feel like I’m a hundred years old and that my head is made of lead, not to mention completely paralyzed by lack of energy and feeling blocked on all sides. Is anyone else in my generation feeling this? How is it manifesting? […]

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Why Do People Attack Or Undermine Someone’s Happy Relationship?

Lisa Martin Molinari commented on the Gaslighting video (on youtube) regarding people who come on my blog to criticize my (happy) relationship: “Why do people do this? Is it an insecurity? I would think if they are criticizing your relationship when you are obviously happy, then they must be jealous. I have just gotten rid

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Your Opinion Of The Elsa Blog

I just heard from a gal who said my blog has been excellent lately. I thanked her for the comment because this is not something I am able to track because I just post the stuff and move on, Jupitarian always looking ahead. Once posted, whatever it is just falls from my psyche like a

zodiac destiny fate

Can You Avoid Your Destiny?

Speaking of hearing your calling, my husband told me he was called to soldiering similarly to how priests are called to the priesthood.  He described how he tried to avoid it to appease other people but every time he tried to get away he was thrown back to it. Eventually he quit resisting. His relationship

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