heart zach

Weekly Forecast: July 8-12, 2024 – Venus-Pluto Intense Stand-off

Early Monday, the Venus-Uranus sextile perfects, Cancer to Taurus and under a Sun-ruled Leo Moon. If we wake up full of ourselves but finding our focus has abruptly changed, let’s assume it’s changed for the better. What we’re after has jumped tracks – not the thing itself, but the desire. Cancer Venus goes on to

mars uranus

The Upside Of Mars Conjunct Uranus

Mars will conjoin Uranus this month.  While this combination is potentially, dangerous, it’s like any other energy.  It’s neutral until directed. If you’ve not heard me state this before. Electricity (energy) is neutral. You can light up a Christmas tree, or electrocute a man, depending on how you apply it.  This is no different, with


Saturn Neptune & Loss Of Confidence

My husband and I have been watching The Great British Bake-Off, don’t ask me why.  Each season begins with thirteen bakers, competing. Invariably there’s a baker who starts out strong, if not completely dominating. The person seems a shoo-in to win. But then something happens… The baker has some kind of failure or receives feedback

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candy legos

Weekend Love Forecast – New Moon in Cancer, Optimal Fresh Start

Friday night, the Cancer Moon conjoins the Cancer Sun: the moody, feely, extra watery new moon. It’s extra watery but also stable via the emerging trine to retro Saturn in Pisces and sextile to Mars in Taurus. What we start, we process in time. Everything can’t happen all at once; time is order. All weekend,

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