kids with henry

More On Predators & And Some Astro History

I’m glad I was invited for the segment on the Rage of Aquarius Outsider Podcast. It went very well and it gave me a lot to think about.  You really do benefit by going outside your comfort zone and talking to new people.   It expands your perspective, without a doubt. It surprised me to hear

Shawn and Alex

Weekly Forecast: July 1-5, 2024 – New Moon in Cancer

It’s a fireworks/explosion holiday in the US this week (Thursday) and a gorgeous, well-aspected new moon in Cancer on Friday. I’m always amused that Elsa and I continually grab opposite sides of the same story. This week she touts the wonders of the beneficial fresh start, and I tell you DON’T BLAST YOUR DAMNED FINGERS


Mercury In Leo Opposing Pluto In Aquarius Effects

Mercury will oppose Pluto in Aquarius this week. There are a lot of possibilities with this but I expect drama. The Aquarius factor make this hard to predict but I’ll be looking for news or ideas that transform or empower.  The information can come from anywhere.  A child, for example. Leo!  It can come from

Mars in Pisces

Mars Conjunct Neptune: Will The Real Perpetrator Please Stand Up!

A Mars Neptune conjunction is hard to read. A person might be inspired to lead… or they may act to avoid leadership and conflict. Imagining taking action and taking action are not the same thing.  You may have to act (Mars) on faith (Neptune). Mars with Neptune can also describe – Deception With Malice. Gaslighting in

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