Search Results for: pluto in capricorn


Help Dealing With Heightened Stress At This Time

Most everyone is stressed at this time. I’ve not seen anything like this in my lifetime. I suppose you may have some area of life where you are “zen” or comfortable; but when you’re hanging in that realm, something else is happening. Something deepening, erasing, degrading, expanding, imploding, whatever. Depending on your chart; the stress in […]

foggy mountain

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune In Pisces

The Jupiter Neptune conjunction will be exact tomorrow, April 12, 2022. I appreciate all the interesting comments on my recent posts about this. It’s a giant topic with no beginning and no end. Any one manifestation of this  of this is probably not more important than any other. I think this conjunction can bring us

garden cabbage

How To Be Happy In Life

I’m deleting old posts to clean up my database. I found this, written in 2011. It references, Pluto in Capricorn and now here we are… ~~~ eva writes on Why Are People Unhappy: “You know honestly I think people in this country have somehow weirdly been trained to be unhappy. My grandmother, and my mother,

despair Maria Konstantinowna Bashkirtseff

Fear & Suicidal Despair

There are a lot of people discouraged at this time if not flat-out despairing; wondering it they should kill themselves. Yes, this is stark but you know I’m right. Further, it’s not like they don’t have cause!  I mean causes. Let’s see.  Many have lost friends or family members due to death or the numerous wedges


Venus Conjunct Mars – Triggered!

I started writing about the current (long) Venus Mars conjunction nearly a year ago. There’s value in looking ahead but with the transit underway, various themes have emerged. Things I didn’t see coming for the most part. Specifically, people are getting trigged in relationship right now, big time. As always, I am not excluded from

Libra balance

Thoughts On Who You Can Talk To & Who You Cannot

Today’s newsletter was concerned with the current situation  where the sun and Mercury are squaring Pluto in Capricorn.  Saturn and Capricorn are associated with being crippled and/or oppressed.  I know all about it. If you doubt me, click to see the MRI of my spine. Saturn is also associated judging and aging or maturing. It’s

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aquarius spanish waterbearer

What To Expect When Jupiter & Saturn Enter Aquarius

There’s a big shift coming, mid-December when Jupiter and Saturn leave Capricorn for Aquarius.  This should be quite noticeable, in part because the planets change signs within days of each other. But also because it will mark the end of the Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunction that has held the entire world in some degree of

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