Search Results for: pluto in capricorn

don Quixote

Pluto In Capricorn In Human Form

I’ve had a lot of emails about my back, it’s crazy healing and such. People want the astrology so here is is. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are currently crossing my ascendant (my physical body).  Mars in Aries is squaring the stellium, this is textbook astrology.  But there’s more to it. The 12th house

libra enid collins old purse

Mercury In Libra Square Pluto In Capricorn: Manipulative Speech

Mercury will square Pluto today at 20 degrees Capricorn. This is stressing Mercury-ruled Gemini and Virgo. These signs are already tweaked by Neptune in Pisces.  That aside, it’s interesting to observe the mental processes and various communications that are occurring at this time. Mercury in Libra enjoys polite discourse. The mind weighs things. It often struggles

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