January 2008

Plutonian copyright

While We’re Waiting For The Ball (Pluto) To Drop… What Would You Like To See Die?

Pluto’s shift from Sagittarius to Capricorn is sure to bringing new focus and sweeping change. What would you like to see be done like dinner? Personally, I am sick of gossip and celebrity death and/or weight-watching. I don’t care what these people are doing. Real people are more interesting by far. I am also sick […]

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7th House And Projection: Are You Being Facetious?

dreamsAreality’s asks: “Elsa, you said: “My partner is emotional, needy, and dependent. That’s not me or anything…” Were you being facetious here????” No I was not being facetious. What Capricorn wants to admit they need anything? That’d be the other guy! “I’m confused now. Am I supposed to be looking at what’s IN my 7th

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Does This Sagittarius Man Love This Aries Woman?

Dear Elsa, I am a Aries in a relationship with a Sagittarius man. I have been in this relationship for about 2 years and he has not yet said, “I love you”. Am I expecting too much too soon? He helps me financially and he spends what time he can with me. He has 2

Scorpio Woman Probes Gemini Man

Dear Elsa, Two years ago, I met a 42 year old Gemini man through work. We struck up a great friendship. At first I wasn’t attracted to him at all romantically, but he pursued me for 6 months and wore me down. I became very fond of him, and then what I thought was love

An Anomaly In The Collective- My 8th House Informs The Young Woman What She Is In For

This is what happens when the Moon hits my Capricorn and transiting Saturn, natal Pluto in the eighth house. “If this is everything you know,” I said with my arms out, held in a circle. “Then this is your paradigm and everything you run into you, you’ll try to fit it into this space.” She

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