venus mars

Pessimists vs Optimists 

Tonya wrote on Venus Inconjunct Pluto – Projection: “The bottom line is that not everyone is an optimist. There are those of us that are pessimists or what I call realists. The crap seems to keep coming and no matter what one tries to do to stop it, it keeps coming. Troubles are multiplying for

Venus in Aries Opposing Mars in Libra – Dealing With Anger and Projection

I had quite a few people contact me about today’s blog post, How Nice Can A Person Be, When They’re Infuriated  in combination with yesterday’s newsletter, which you can read here: It’s Your Fault I’m Oversensitive, So Control My Hurt Feelings, I Mean Your Hurt Feelings, Please, Or I’ll Hurt You. Most of the emails and questions were

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