twisty river

What Happened When Saturn Transited Pisces 1994-96?

I’ve begun to consider Saturn in Pisces. The planet will ingress into the sign on March 7, 2023.  My first thought was that this is when the dam breaks or more succinctly, dissolves. Or when the blocks or the controls disappear. The veil lifts and reality appears? I realize that is broad and undefined which


Psychopath In The Workplace

Have you ever had to work with a psychopath?  I’m not talking about an abusive person or some idiot troublemaker. I’m talking about a stone-cold psychopath. I had an interesting consultation this morning; appropriate for Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.  The Mercurial client has been trying to “talk it out” with a co-worker who has no


Destroying Your Ex Won’t Do You Much Good

When people break off a relationship, it’s common they want to take something from their ex. They may want to take their money or take their reputation or whatever. They mistakenly believe that if they take a person down, they will go up. But it never works that way because life is not a zero-sum

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