
Jupiter In Capricorn Sense Of Humor

I wonder if you’ve kept your sense of humor with Jupiter in Capricorn. Theoretically, this transit would suppress your jovial personality.  But Capricorn is known for their particular brand of humor. Their humor is generally considered to be self-deprecating but it’s more complicated than that. Satori covered this once.  This is a great piece:

apple pie

What If Energies In A Natal Chart Conflict?

Hi, Elsa. How do you fuse the contradictory energy of planets in a chart? For an example a restrictive, traditionalist Saturn conjunct freedom loving, unconventional Uranus in the unknown realms of boundless, confusing Neptune(12H). Does not Saturn lose its sense of structure or Uranus loses its genius amidst neptunic confusion? Or they actually don’t fuse


How to Prepare for a Uranus Transit

When looking at upcoming transits, people often cringe when they see Uranus coming. This is understandable! We spend so much time laying our foundation, getting our lives exactly the way we like them, settling in and getting comfortable. And then Uranus comes along and shakes our shoulders and yanks the pillows from under us. No

sun god apollo france

Why Am I Nothing Like My Sun Sign?

Occasionally, people ask me why they don’t relate to their sun sign.  There a few explanations. First, people have their own minds, myself included. They sometimes adjust astrology to suit their needs and preferences. For example a Leo who would rather be a Scorpio so they’ll see their Sun in the 8th house and proclaim themselves

white hot passion

Beginning A Relationship With Someone You’re Obsessed With

Have you ever wanted someone with a white-hot passion? I see this sometimes.  A person wants another person very badly. They plot! They plan! I have seen situations like this fail but I’ve also seen people get what they want. Hand well-played? Now do they want what the get, once it’s been procured? Sometimes. What do

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