zodiac puzzle mod bright

4th House: Your Private Root

The fourth house in your natal chart describes your innermost self. It’s what you know is true about you, that’s not going to be observable to others, outside you very close family.  It’s your root. I’ll use myself to illustrate this; I have Taurus in my 4th house.  I talk about Fixed signs and stubbornness, […]


Mercury Conjunct Pluto In Aquarius: The Hydra

Mercury will leave Capricorn for Aquarius today, as it slowly pulls away from Mars. It will conjoin Pluto in Aquarius tomorrow. This is the only significant shift over the next few days. It’s worth watching as we’re trying to get a handle on Pluto in Aquarius. Some important information should surface and I’m not necessarily

Mars in the Zodiac: Are You a Bear?

This is a true story. Two boys went to a fair. This was in 1960’s before “animal rights” existed. They had a bear in a ring, wearing boxing gloves.  He was up on his hind legs and sort of weaving back and forth, with his (gloved) paws, waving in the breeze. You could box this bear. If you

fire and ice

Weekend Love Forecast – Unexpected Delights, Tending The Flame

Friday night, we hit the crossroads between the last full moon and the upcoming new moon in Aquarius, as the Scorpio Moon sextiles Capricorn Venus and squares the Sun. The Sun spends the weekend in sextile to Aries Chiron and an ongoing square to sign-ruler Uranus in Taurus. It’s a rug puller, but we end


Why Do People Admire & Defend Psychopaths?

“Elsa, please write something about the people who follow, enable and support psychopaths. What do their charts show. There are those who lie and those who lie to support the liar. Sycophants?” Libra Rising on Born That Way: Talent & Psychopathy Complicated question! Use of the word, “follow”, suggests you’re talking about online entities here. 

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