Search Results for: pluto in capricorn

Pluto Stationing and Shadow Work

I like to show the side of me that is kind and measured and does the right thing, even when I don’t and I’m acting like an asshole (because it’s for a good reason or whatever). JUST LIKE MOST PEOPLE. Just like I don’t go out in public without pants, I also regulate what I

Stellium in Capricorn

The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Pluto are in Capricorn right now, pretty tightly conjunct (11-25 degrees).  Wherever the stellium falls in your chart, it’s safe (Capricorn) to say you have business there…or some kind of responsibility. The planets fall in my 12th house. I am running my business by intuition at the moment. I also

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Venus Conjunct Pluto – Kiss Of Death

Venus with conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. This is one hard core deal. Venus rules love and money.  Pluto is concerned with power, the shadow of the collective, sex, exchange of energy, death, the unconscious and all things unfathomable. Capricorn is concerned with status and security, reality, integrity and karma.  When you combine these things, you

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