Search Results for: pluto in capricorn

inconjunct or quincunx symbol

List Of Inconjuncts Between Signs

The inconjunct, also called a “quincunx”, exists when planets are 150 degrees apart. Signs can also be seen in this way. I’m prompted to write this because Pluto in Aquarius brought sudden change to many people, especially those with planets near zero degrees. Aquarians, sure. Fixed signs too. But I also worked with a lot

pisces water fairy

Life Since March, 2023

Living is the best way to learn astrology.  Six planets changes signs between March 2nd and 25th of 2023. I felt this was akin an earthmover; big machinery, rolling over the existing landscape. What used to be is gone for the most part. The changes are pervasive. They’re seen on the surface but they reach

Capricorn dark

How Long With The Recession Last?

Most feel we’re in a (world-wide) recession even if it’s not been formally announced, outside of Germany. I’ve been avoiding writing about Pluto’s last period in Capricorn, hoping for something definitive to occur that would be acknowledged by conventional media.  This way I could avoid (Pisces) being called morose (Saturn). I’m giving up on this

building imploding

Main Problems In 2023: Anxiety, Loneliness & Feeling Insecure

I’m in a quandary around what to focus on right now.  Waffling Libra is no help but I’m ready to call it. Yes, there is a collapse underway. I hate to say it but we are all merely spectators for the most part, meaning most of what happens is completely out of the individual’s hands.  But


Solar Eclipse 2023: Major Power Shift Underway

This morning, I wrote my newsletter, Changing Of The Guard. I feel this. The perception was strong enough, I committed by sending that letter. Six hours later, these feelings have intensified. If I turn 360 degrees to look in any direction, I see the same theme.  Personally, professionally, collectively. In my life and in yours. 

fixed signs

Focus On Zero Degrees Fixed Signs: Spring 2023 – Update

Pluto ingressed into Aquarius at the end of March, 2023. It will remain at zero degrees until it retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th.  Pluto is powerful. A Pluto station amplifies the signal. Pluto has been in Aquarius for about two weeks. I have had a number of clients with planets at 0-1 degrees


Your Progressive Views Are Revolting!

It’s a provocative title but it’s accurate. And I’m not talking about your progressive views and I’m not talking about politics. I’m taking about my progressive views. My Uranus-ruled original, independent, astrological view of the future is repulsive. This month has been trying for most everyone.  Seeing it coming ahead of time is a gift,

stellium aries

When Will Things Get Better? March 2023

“It has turned out to be the week from hell.  I am sure everyone would love to know…when will things get better?” That’s from an email I got from a reader. I’ll try to pull this together. The Gemini Mars vs planets in Pisces will persist for another five days or so, before Mars moves

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