
Let’s talk!

Who Carries The Shadow For The Collective? Scorpio? Pluto? 8th House?

Busted writes on Suffering In The Collective: Cool post Elsa. Really smart perceptive idea. Your sister and Elizabeth Smart – how do you think Scorpio or Pluto might be different in performing this suffering or containing negativity function for others? Big questions for me, as Pisces Sun opposite Pluto. Busted – there is no difference

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The Natural Troublemakers Of The Zodiac: Aries vs Scorpio

HQ asked, “So what are the other natural troublemakers of the Zodiac besides Scorpio? I think Aries are the trouble makers… most definitely. But it’s funny – Aries don’t often show up in as troublemakers in our emails! But if you compare Aries to Scorpio, you’d think they’d both cause equal amounts of trouble for

Secret Envy Through The Zodiac

Pisces, D.K. Brainard of WordsforthePeople writes regarding the videos on envy: “…Although I have no desire to BE a Gemini, I do envy the ability to be around people without having to spend twice as much time at the deep dark bottom of the sea recouping my lost energy! Is it possible this envy cycle

Do You Snoop?

Mercury is in Scorpio and let’s see. First we have someone tracking a reader via RemoteSpy.com and then another reader writes in to cop to the fact she accesses a co-workers email to monitor her workplace affairs. Personally, I don’t snoop. I am so hard core with this, you’d think I’d have burned doing it

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Aquarius Man Giving Mixed Signals

Hi Elsa, I’ve been involved with an double-fire horse Aquarius who infuriates me. He is aloof, distant, and ignores me a lot. In addition, we have no physical relationship because he ‘respects me too much’. He calls me ‘wife’ however, and is loyal and true to me. Just when I think I can live with

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