
Jupiter and Fate: Experience Is Never Wasted

Regarding my blog and various efforts I have made in the past that have seemingly come to no end, this is never the case. I don’t think experience is ever wasted and the more you have the better off you are especially if you take the pains to process it. I have had many hideous

Astrology And Greed, Generosity And Abundance

Loonsounds writes, regarding her mother “…every penny she has saved for her whole life and now her portfolio is down 60 percent and it really actually does look like she could run out of money. So, in addition I have now learned that being cheap is no guarantee of financial security in late life anyway

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lb with his cigar

Who You Meet During Saturn Transits…

During Saturn transits, you meet up with Saturn types. Some are supportive, some are chastising, some are oppressive… or whatever. It is up to individual to judge what comes their way and apply it or learn from it. For example, if  a judge that tells you if you get another DUI, you’ll be sent to

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