Lucille ball

Why Do You Snoop?

I’ve also been thinking about the snooping post (Do You Snoop?) this statement in particular: “…and last I trust the universe will let me know what I need to know… at the time I need to know it.” I  believe this. I think when there are things I don’t know or I don’t find out, […]


My Boyfriend Talks About His Ex-Lovers

Dear Elsa, I’ve fallen madly in love with a Pisces six years older than me, but with a lot more experience. The real bad thing is that we’ve become close friends and confident enough for him to tell me everything about his past, present and future girlfriends. I sometimes get quite jealous but always try

Secret Envy Through The Zodiac

Pisces, D.K. Brainard of WordsforthePeople writes regarding the videos on envy: “…Although I have no desire to BE a Gemini, I do envy the ability to be around people without having to spend twice as much time at the deep dark bottom of the sea recouping my lost energy! Is it possible this envy cycle

Do You Snoop?

Mercury is in Scorpio and let’s see. First we have someone tracking a reader via and then another reader writes in to cop to the fact she accesses a co-workers email to monitor her workplace affairs. Personally, I don’t snoop. I am so hard core with this, you’d think I’d have burned doing it

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Taurus: Famous For Their Memory

The soldier, recalling times three decades past: “Do you remember our alarm clock, P? The one we had when we were kids?” “No.” “It had one of those sticks in the back you pulled out when you wanted it go off.” “Oh yeah, I do remember that.”

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