November 2014

Neptune On The Midheaven: Status Comes And Goes

Hi Elsa. My question suits you well: what is beneficial about Neptune conjunct midheaven placement, and what are the challenges? I know you’ve said you face a lot of people’s projections on you. How is this placement a strength or advantage. I love the comments related to this tonite, about flakiness and disappearing. In what way are these scenarios […]


Trends In Stalking & Domestic Abuse

Hi, Elsa. For the past few years I’ve had coworkers (Saturn) become “stalkers” (Pluto). Recently there was a tv show called “Stalkers” and because of recent media applications such as “Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, stalking has increased exponentially. So clearly this is coming more into the forefront of people’s attention alongside with Domestic abuse and other

Why Do I Always Marry Dependent Men?

Hi, Elsa. Married 3 times…the first when I was 18, he was 57, two beautiful children, he died at 78 from Alzheimer’s. It was a marriage of love but he couldn’t make a living…I was the provider. Married 5 years after his death. After 3 years I ended it as a familiar pattern emerged…I again was


What Markers In A Chart Indicate Fame?

Hi Elsa, I’m wondering if there is any indication in a chart or any common thread between fame and people. Where we could see if a person is somehow prone to be in the spotlight. Seems like a vain question but; why not?! P Hi, P. Looking at the charts of famous people over all these years,

What To Expect When Saturn Transits 7th House Moon In Sagittarius

Hi, Elsa. My natal moon is at 15 degrees Sagittarius in the 7th house. Saturn is headed there in 2016, and will generally be mucking about in my partnership area starting in December. Moon in Sagittarius brings certain things that may not be conducive to partnerships, so I’m curious what to expect with Saturn. And

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pluto pendant

What To Expect From Pluto Opposite Mars, Mars Square Uranus Transit

Elsa, What would you make of a transit of Pluto opposing Mars plus Uranus squaring Mars? Blasting away of old structures? Wants Second Opinion Hi, Wants, That’s possible, but it would not be how I would read the situation. But I may be parsing your sentence incorrectly. If structures in your life were going to

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