Search Results for: mars depression

zodiac dresss

Pride & Regret

Lately, I’ve been trying to figure out why people maintain what amounts to  a death grip on their denial.  I understand the truth can be earth-shattering but the lies people will cling to are often quite silly. It occurred to me that pride would be one reason. A person may not want to experience regret.  […]

Sample Solar Return Report

Sample Solar Return Report for Kim Kardashian October 21, 198010:46 AM Los Angeles, California Solar Return calculated for: October 21, 2011, 10:59:09 PM, Los Angeles, California Compliments of ***** INTRODUCTION ***** The Solar Return is a chart calculated for the time that the Sun arrives at the exact position of the Sun in your

Sagittarius estee lauder

I’m A Depressed Sagittarius Woman

Hey Elsa, Almost 2 years ago I moved across the country to be with a guy (and to get away from home). I’ve got a decent job; can afford to live, etc. etc. I still live with the guy, but I’m not happy. I don’t know if it’s him, or me. I’ve almost come to

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