November 2019

fool tarot

What Does It Mean If I Have Planets at 0 Degrees?

Another critical degree in astrology as 0 degrees. Where 29 degrees signals an extinction burst as the energy of the planet finishes its lessons, 0 degrees is a breath of fresh air. When a planet is at 0 degrees, everything is light, sparkling, and new. It’s bright eyes, rosy cheeks, and full of wonder. It’s […]

apple pie

Your Mother And Your Moon in Your Chart

A friend’s mother stopped in at her job. After she left, a young co-worker asked, “Is that your Mom?” She had a lilt in her voice. “Yes,” my friend answered. ‘That’s my Mom.” “She seems sweet”, the girl chirped. “Well she’s not. Be careful. I love her. She’s my mom but she’s definitely not sweet…”


Mars In Scorpio Opposite Uranus In Taurus – Effects

Mars in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus. Among other things, this describe fights on the internet. Personally, I’ve been battling technology. I want this site to be fast and I’ve been pushing for that. It’s been pretty mild for me, but I don’t have planets in the early degrees of the Fixed signs.

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How To Handle Saturn Square Mars

I wrote this for a client… “…you don’t want to kill someone (literally or figuratively)  without cause. If you do, you’ll be brought to your knees. This is why you want to verify your target before you shoot! If you’re oppressed and you do not push back and defend yourself, you can expect to continue to

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